Iris sender

Iris sender is the daemon that regularly polls the database for new incidents and sends messages accordingly. It is packaged with API.

Sender tasks workflow

     |            |
     | escalation | creates new message rows
     |    task    +----------+
     |            |          |
     +------------+          |
                      |           |
                      |   MySQL   <--------------+
                      |           |              |
       +--------+     +----+------+              |
       |        |          |                     |
       |  poll  |          |                     |
       |  task  <----------+                     |
       |        | fetches all unsent messages    |
       +---+----+ (excluding batched ones)       |
           |                                     |
  populates context                              |
 and passes into queue +---------------+         |
           |           |               |         |
           +-----------> message_queue |         |
                       |               |         |
                       +-------+-------+         |
                               |                 |
       +-----------+           |                 |
       |           |           |                 |
       | send task <-----------+                 |
       |     &     |                             |
       | aggregate |                             |
       |   task    |                             |
       |           |                             |
       +----+------+                             |
            |           +------------+           |
aggregates  |           |            |           |
and passes  +-----------> send_queue |           |
into queue              |            |           |
                        +-----+------+           |
                              |                  |
         +--------+           |                  |
      +--|        |           |                  |
   +--|  | worker <-----------+                  |
   |  |  | tasks  |                              |
   |  |  |        |                              |
   |  |  +--------+                              |
   |  +---------+  send messages                 |
   +----------+    and mark them as sent in database